Download a sample reliance request form.
An investigator or his/her designee will need to provide the following information when submitting a request for reliance:
- Basic information about the research (title of study, a brief description)
- The Overall Principal Investigator’s name and contact information
- The institution that you would like to serve as the Reviewing IRB
- Funding sources (as applicable)
- Sites that will be engaged in human subjects research for the study, including:
- The Site Investigator’s name and contact information
- Research activities and targeted subject populations
- Research personnel names and contact information (as applicable)
- Supporting documents (PDFs only):
- Research protocol (required)
- Consent templates (as applicable)
- Other documentation (optional)
The submitter will need to collect and enter all information from each engaged site included in the request. Only sites that are ready to enter into a reliance arrangement should be added to the request. Additional sites can be added through an amendment after a reliance decision is reached.
Investigators with questions about which IRB is the most appropriate Reviewing IRB for their study are encouraged to contact their SMART IRB POC for assistance before submitting a reliance request in the System. Contact information for all SMART IRB POCs can be found on the Participating Institutions page.
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