If you need to make a change to any of the information about your institution on the Participating Institutions page of the website, please email help@smartirb.org with the details of your request.
Articles in this section
- Can I update my institution's Institutional Profile?
- How do I submit my institution's Institutional Profile?
- Which individual(s) at my institution can fill out and submit the Institutional Profile?
- Can my institution submit an Institutional Profile?
- How can I change/correct information on the Participating Institutions page?
- How can I obtain a copy of my institution's signed Joinder Agreement?
- Once my institution has registered and signed the Joinder Agreement, can it begin using the SMART IRB Agreement?
- Can the same individual register/serve as the Point of Contact for more than one institution?
- Can the same individual sign the Joinder Agreement for more than one institution?
- What does my institution sign to join SMART IRB?
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